Friday, April 22, 2011

Anyone want to help?

Hey everyone! So I have a good friend who runs the organization I went to Ethiopia with and she hasn't been able to go back for a while so she has a ton of supplies that she was wondering if I could take over. My flight only allows me one bag so I don't have much room but I was wondering if any of you would like to help? She has hygiene kits, baby kits, and school supplies which Mike has told me will be helpful to have and give. Please let me know ASAP if you have room to take anything! Thanks :) 

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hey everyone, I hoe that all is going well. The summer is fast approaching and soon we all be in Uganda having the experience of a lifetime. I want to make sure that everyone is feeling good with the way that things are going, especially with regards to fundraising. Let me know if you have any concerns, and I think it would be good to share our methods and successes. I have been speaking to one of my friends that helps fundraise for Non-profits and charities and in April we are wanting to do either a benefit concert or dinner. Also for all the UVU students there are a few grant options available that we need to look into. Let me know if you are interested in the grant and we can start the application process. Thanks to you all for all you do.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hi guys! DANCE tonight after the Musana Market! What a fun-filled HELP day:

Suzanne and Whitney, Mbale, Uganda Country Directors, are throwing a benefit dance party this Saturday night (TONIGHT) @ Noah's in Lindon from 8-12PM. I'm hoping some of our team will make it out!! It will be some great bonding time and a great way to support your fellow HELPers. Spread the word!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Training Session

Hey guys, Kellie here. I hope you're all doing well and are getting excited for our Ugandan adventure! So our training weekend is coming up next month, and since I'm driving down from Logan, I was wondering if any of you who live in the area would be willing to let me stay with you on friday night. I'm pretty easy-going, I'd just need a couch or floor to crash on. That would make it a lot easier for me to not have to drive home friday night and then back to Provo on saturday morning. So, just let me know! Thanks guys, can't wait to see you all again!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I just called UVU and you can't purchase the ISIC card through them.  They said that I could buy it online here


I just want to let everyone know that you can also get shots at the county health department.  Its easy, just tell them you will be traveling to Uganda and they will look up the shots that you will need.
Hey Lugazi team!

I think it's time I introduce myself too (sorry, I'm a blog rookie so I've been a little post shy - I've been reading your great posts, but despite Jesse's efforts, I hadn't figured out how to post until now - uhhh it's the easiest thing ever if I actually accept the invite!)...

I met many of you while I was in Provo, but not all. I'll be your country director alongside Jesse.. I'm living in Seattle, WA. Just finished grad school at University of Washington. I am SO ready to get out of the rain and over to sunny Lugazi. I work at a little non-profit called the Fabric of Life Foundation. We support cooperative projects that aim to help women and their families - our biggest project is a school in Bamako, Mali that helps girls and young women move themselves from begging to self-sufficient. I fell in love with West Africa last summer and I'm anxious to set foot in East Africa.

I think this summer is going to be amazing! I believe we have the opportunity of a lifetime. First and foremost, I look forward to our team working side-by-side with Ugandans, and learning all that we can. While we have so much to give, we also have so much to learn. I believe we'll make relationships that last a lifetime. And while we'll "wrap up" some really cool projects by the end of the summer, it's the fact that those projects will carry on that makes them all the cooler. And the fact that the relationships we build will mean eye-opening cultural exchange on both ends and lifelong friendships that foster sustainable knowledge exchange and development. Jesse and I are working on getting in touch with our in-country partners now to build relationships early on. I feel so fortunate to be part of this!!

Please feel free to call me anytime to talk about project ideas, travel questions, etc.: 505-239-3869. Or email me I'll be reaching out to you guys in the next couple weeks just to check in. Wish I were closer to you all!
